Hotels and Accommodations

The Holiday Inn Express Southend

Our venue is located in a neighborhood called South End. It extremely walkable, safe, and friendly (promise!). South end is about a 15 minute drive from Charlotte Douglas International Airport, and is in an extremely walkable neighborhood (with plenty of restaurants, bars, and pharmacies and grocery stores). You probably don't need to rent a car if you're staying in South End - consider using the weekend to explore a new place by foot if you're traveling in from out of town.

These are a few of the places in the area you may want to consider staying at:

The Holiday Inn Express Southend

🗺 map | 💻 website | 0.1mi from venue

We are booking a block of hotels at the Holiday Inn Express Southend. You can book directly on their website, or by calling and using our Group Code: PBW (for Parmenter-Bifulco Wedding!).

Airbnb / VRBO

There's heaps of rentals on Airbnb and VRBO in the surrounding neighborhood. Feel free to use one of these services if you prefer. You may want to keep an eye out for rentals in a building called Centro Railyard (also known as Centro Winnifred) - it is immediately next door to the venue.


Copyright © 2021-2022 Mike Bifulco (and of course Natalie, who is very much the boss around here).

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